Learn more about coaching with me:

How do I know if coaching is right for me?

If you are eager for a better quality of life, more fulfillment, better balance or a different process for accomplishing your desires a coach could be a tremendous resource to get you there quicker and with more support than going at it on your own.

If you are feeling frustrated (in career, relationships, finances or your personal health), that frustration could be a signal that it is time for a breakthrough and a coach can help you navigate your breakthrough season and tap into your own inner knowing.

What can I expect in a coaching session?

Our sessions will be all about you, the purpose of our relationship is to address your goals. As your coach, I am an active listener as you tap into your own inner knowing for the issue at hand. Together we will collaboarted to discover clarity, identify aligned action, and ultimately establish accountability for the process. 

As part of our sessions, I will integrate aspects of your human design, giving you insight into how you were born to do life. Working with your human design as part of this process can provide an element of "lit-up-ness" around doing the work that is needed for a breakthrough.

How many sessions are right for me?

It depends, the variable factor is YOU. Every person is different, but the minimum number of sessions is 4, ideal sessions in 10 and you may ultimately decide to move through different aspects of your life through a more long-term coaching relationship.

In 4 sessions you will experience tiny-wins and in the process build a toolkit to continue on your breakthrough journey.

In 10 sessions you are very likely to experience that ah-ha breakthrough that moves the needed for a life of balance and fulfillment.

Credentials please?

I have coached hundreds of professionals to live their best lives right where they are. I am trained in the co-active model for coaching which uses a whole-person approach to address the goals of the coachee. You are naturally creative, resourceful and whole, we start there to move you beyond just accomplishing the next thing, but to actually breakthrough to a life of more fulfillment and better balance. I have a Masters in Tax, a JD in Law, my 200 hr yoga teacher certifcation and am trained in Co-Active coaching as well as Clifton Strengths coaching.